Thursday, 1 May 2014

Work in progress... what have I been doing since I last posted a blog?

Well really just the same as usual, spinning, knitting, teaching. There is too much to detail here, other than to list a few highlights, namely, teaching in Norway, the USA; Shetland Wool Week; setting up a broken diamond twill on the warp-weighted loom to accompany the display of a tunic dating to 300AD; loads of spinning; a little knitting; then writing for the book 'Shetland Textiles 800 BC to the present'; and spending time with family, especially the grandchildren.

Here is what I am knitting at the moment. It is a copy of an allover I knitted for myself several years ago, and this will be the only copy I will knit from it. It will remain an exclusive garment.

Stock is low right now as I am spinning for further commissions, there is quite a full order book.

There is a stash of yarn but it is mostly being spun for commissions. These are yarn being set aside for 5 commissions. Mostly in natural colours, but there is one madder orange in there and some of the grey has to be dyed in indigo and logwood.

...then these

White and silver grey yarn waiting for a madder and an onion dye pot.

.. and the next fleece to be spun.

1.5 kilo of black, 1 kilo of dark grey and rowers (rolags), part of a 500 grms batch of charcoal. 


  1. The jumper looks lovely in the natural colours. I love how the patterns and colours balance so well.

    1. Thank you, Janet. (If you think the colours balance then I must have got it right.)

  2. I love the allover with no repeated patterns - really gorgeous!
